Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sophie's Fine Yarn Retreat

It has been ages since my last post, and there is really no excuse - everyone is busy. So, no excuse. This past weekend I attended a retreat thru Sophie's Fine Yarn in Louisville, KY. The retreat was held at Clifty Falls State Park in Madision, IN. This was the best weekend. Relaxing, full of knitting, wonderful people, and laughter. The Inn at Clifty Falls was awesome. The accomidations were great, food was fantastic and the staff very nice.

Barb from Sophie's sure knows how to put on a wonderful weekend. There were 48 ladies in attendance and I know everyone enjoyed themselves.

Friday night was meet and greet, goodie bags were given out, we had a yarn swap and we all sat and knitted. Saturday morning Anastasia Blaes, author of Yarn Coctails taught modular knitting and in the afternoon she taught finishing techniques. What a funny, enjoyable lady. I learned a lot from her classes. Saturday evening was sharing of the blooper knits. Also prizes were awarded for stash size, and best hiding places. I won a Stitch and Bitch book on CD. Now, I know I have alot of stash, but...I really thought I wouldn't have one of the biggest. LOL.

Pictures are from the Inn - what a view of the Ohio River, and of the bloopers.

Thanks again Barb, for putting on this retreat. It was fantastic.


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Accents 2 Scrapbooking said...

I am glad you had a great time at the retreat!